Our Beach Bar Restaurant and Contento Beach veranda give access to beautiful, unobstructed views of the sea and Khao Takiab shoreline. The restaurant's tree-canopied outdoor dining area offers a casual yet sophisticated dining experience. Our restaurant offers a taste of local specialities, but also a wide choice of European dishes.

Wine drinkers are invited to visit our wine pantry, which stocks a handpicked selection of Old World and New Latitude Wines. For those looking to enjoy a refreshing seaside cocktail or an evening aperitif, our bar serves a menu of classic and signature drinks.

Our restaurant is open daily from 07.00 am - 11.00 pm and welcomes all hotel guests and non-residents.

Contact us at: +66 32 527 620 or website: www.thebeachatanantasila.com or email: fb@anantasila.com
Our Beach Bar Restaurant and Contento Beach veranda give access to beautiful, unobstructed views of the sea and Khao Takiab shoreline. The restaurant's tree-canopied outdoor dining area offers a casual yet sophisticated dining experience. Our restaurant offers a taste of local specialities, but also a wide choice of European dishes.

Wine drinkers are invited to visit our wine pantry, which stocks a handpicked selection of Old World and New Latitude Wines. For those looking to enjoy a refreshing seaside cocktail or an evening aperitif, our bar serves a menu of classic and signature drinks.

Our restaurant is open daily from 07.00 am - 11.00 pm and welcomes all hotel guests and non-residents.

Contact us at: +66 32 527 620 or website: www.thebeachatanantasila.com or email: fb@anantasila.com
Our Beach Bar Restaurant and Contento Beach veranda give access to beautiful, unobstructed views of the sea and Khao Takiab shoreline. The restaurant's tree-canopied outdoor dining area offers a casual yet sophisticated dining experience. Our restaurant offers a taste of local specialities, but also a wide choice of European dishes.

Wine drinkers are invited to visit our wine pantry, which stocks a handpicked selection of Old World and New Latitude Wines. For those looking to enjoy a refreshing seaside cocktail or an evening aperitif, our bar serves a menu of classic and signature drinks.

Our restaurant is open daily from 07.00 am - 11.00 pm and welcomes all hotel guests and non-residents.

Contact us at: +66 32 527 620 or website: www.thebeachatanantasila.com or email: fb@anantasila.com
Our Beach Bar Restaurant and Contento Beach veranda give access to beautiful, unobstructed views of the sea and Khao Takiab shoreline. The restaurant's tree-canopied outdoor dining area offers a casual yet sophisticated dining experience. Our restaurant offers a taste of local specialities, but also a wide choice of European dishes.




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Anantasila Beach Restaurant Hua Hin

我們的海灘酒吧餐廳和 Contento 海灘陽台可欣賞一覽無餘的大海和 Khao Takiab 海岸線的美景。 餐廳綠樹成蔭的戶外用餐區提供休閒精緻的用餐體驗。 我們的餐廳不僅提供當地特色菜餚,還提供多種歐洲菜餚。

歡迎葡萄酒愛好者參觀我們的葡萄酒儲藏室,這裡備有精心挑選的舊世界和新緯度葡萄酒。 對於那些想要享用清爽的海濱雞尾酒或晚間開胃酒的客人,我們的酒吧提供一系列經典和招牌飲品。

我們的餐廳每天營業時間為上午 7 點至晚上 11 點,歡迎所有飯店住客和非住客。

聯絡我們:+66 32 527 620 或網址:www.thebeachatanantasila.com 或電子郵件:fb@anantasila.com



每日開放:上午 7:00 - 上午 10:40


午餐:上午 11.30 至下午 6.00。 / 晚餐:下午 06:00 - 晚上 11:00

Our Menu : Menu

See Photo Restaurant & Beach bar